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“The United States government has gathered a great deal of information about UAPs over many decades but has refused to share it with the American people. That is wrong and additionally breeds mistrust.” - Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader - Floor Colloquy 12-13-23 


UFO/UAP disclosure is a movement for government transparency around the issue of Unidentified Flying Objects/Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon.

Our approach is to focus on serious discussion and political activism.


Purpose: to sell T-shirts and ties as a first step in organizing drummers as UAP activists. The intent of Drummers4Disclosure (D4D) is to raise consciousness regarding the UAP issue. D4D is designed as a non-violent means for expression of public dissent. The idea was inspired by the Secret Drum Corp of Basel, (See: ). Although not in any way affiliated with them, we would like to emulate their excellent style. The purpose of D4D is to use well developed performance, art, music and dance as a means for social change. It is also designed, as much as possible, to unify the diverse/factionalized UAP community toward the common goal of broad UAP disclosure.


Funding generated from the sales of these items, after salaries and operating expenses, will be used to purchase jackets, embroidered patches and other uniform items. The goal is to have high profile public performances.




D4D was established to pursue my personal truth, in regards to advocacy for UAP disclosure and broad recognition of the phenomenon.


My thinking evolved from a wish to attempt to break through the widespread dismissal of this issue by the majority of the public and factions of the government. In my entire working career, I have not known any co-workers or managers who had an interest in this issue. Family and close personal friends, with few exceptions,  follow a similar vector.  This has been difficult to bear, given its importance in my life. The Reddit and Twitter community have largely been where I have found kindred spirits.  


I have been motivated by things I have seen and cannot explain. Acquaintances and friends, people I know and trust, professionals in medicine and the defense industry, have acknowledged that they have also seen, or were aware of, things that are suggestive of non-human intelligence.  Although this issue has been around since at least the 1940s, since 2017 we have seen insiders, or former insiders, as well as whistle blowers and those at the upper tiers of government and intelligence (well known to this audience!) stating the same. The disconnect here is insufferable given the import of the matter. In a normative definition of democratic society, non-violent social activism-- focused effort with the intent of betterment for all-- brings about change in society and government.


The Power of the Arts

I believe, with absolute conviction, in the power of art, music and dance to be meaningful, influential and socially transformative. It is the very intent of this project to be an artistic/musical/dance activity that would influence the political sphere. The UAP community is contentious. However, In this project, I strive to respect all voices-- skeptics, believers, government insiders and the lay public-- to bring about unity with the common goal of broad disclosure. This is my truth.


Why Drumming?

​The focus on drumming is designed as a means to express the pent up energy generated by the unjust suppression and deflection of this topic by officials in government.  


About the Imagery

I have chosen imagery suggestive of the American spirit going back to revolutionary times. I do not intend this to mean I identify with extreme-right tropes and values, nor is it intended that these products endorse those values.  


Diversity Statement

To be more inclusive of various activists, I have included White and African American versions of the figures, as well as sub-categories, including Skeptics, Republican, Democrat, Stone Wallers, E.T. Hypothesis, Inter-Dimensional Hypothesis, and the Tin Foil Hat Brigade. More may be available in the future.  I apologize if all these options are not yet available as I open this shop.  I am testing the market to judge what may be of interest.



It is my assumption that the imagery and meaning of the tropes I present will be recognized by those interested in this field.  Perhaps it could be a conversation starter for those not familiar with these symbols. 


About me

I am not new to this community. I have been a letter-writing UFO/UAP political activist for 35+ years and have written two books:  Blueprint for Interstellar Travel and my earlier book This Way to the Stars.


About the Artist

All artwork was designed by me and illustrated by Damian Modena through Fiverr



 The Principles of D4D:


  1. Non-violence. Anyone using the designs developed for Drummers4Disclosure  to commit or encourage violence in any form or to promote any illegal activity, does not represent this movement or this label. Violence is both counter-productive and irrelevant in these times.  

  2. Artistic excellence. As much as possible D4D will aim toward professional art, dance and drumming in the form of the most sophisticated drum corps in the world today. I am open to groups of professional hand drummers as well: congas, djembes, doumbeks, bodhráns, etc. as well, but this also needs to be of very highly developed artistry. Of course allies of the movement are welcome to wear t-shirts and ties too and their support will help outfit the professional drummers and performers. 

  3. Musical performance. Through musical performance, D4D will highlight the various contentious sides and ontological truths present in this field. Mock symbolic battles with the tapping of drumsticks by the opposing sides (e.g. skeptics and believers) will be arranged in public events.

  4. Modern Dance. This is in the works.

  5. Art.  This may take the form of posters and designs that exhibit advanced technical skills. 


  • Profits. After expenses and a small salary, profits from this project will go toward developing further products related to UAP disclosure activism and to purchasing uniforms for a professional drumming group. It may also go to securing practice spaces and obtaining permits for public performances. 


  • Societal Transformation: Our goal here is to assist society in its transition from a war-based to an explore based consciousness and economy. (I learned of this idea decades ago, while in college, from someone whose name I have forgotten. Should that person find me, I would be glad to give them acknowledgement for this idea.). The possibility of establishing a society-wide recognition of this phenomenon-- the ushering in of a renaissance of new ideas-- the spiritual uplift brought about by the re-contextualization of our being-- the paradigm shift we all long for-- is our ultimate goal.  I hope I can play some part in making this come about.    






























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